Just a quick update to let everyone know that I'm moving the archives of Open Metalcast to the best place I can think of for archiving. Heck, it even has archive in the name. Yes, I'm moving the links to archive.org, which should hopefully lighten the bandwidth load on the server (which has been performing admirably in the past few days. Yay, Linode!) and move it somewhere where it can be kept in perpetuity. The new listeners from Metal Injection have literally used up 1/3 of my bandwidth allocation for this month, which is awesome on the one hand, but is pretty unsustainable in the long-term. So, hopefully this will keep the bandwidth bills low, and keep you in the awesome Creative Commons metal you've come to expect from this show.
Note: You don't have to update your links or RSS feeds. This should all work transparently to you.
If you have any problems downloading any of the shows, please let me know (craig@openmetalcast, or leave a comment below). It's a slow process to move everything, but in the long run it'll hopefully nicer for all of us.
Thank you for all of the downloads! You're all making some great problems to have. :)