Welcome friends to the eleventy-first episode of Open Metalcast, a rather respectable episode number for a podcast. We also managed to get a respectable amount of snow outside the Open Metalcast headquarters, which unfortunately meant a lot of shoveling because SOMEONE never decided to pick up a snow blower for such occasions. Apparently he was too busy picking out great Creative Metal music for this episode including tracks from Savagery, Afterwind, Osmium Guillotine, Archonaut, Æons Collide, HELA, Sarin, HELLIÖN, and Peculate. There's almost an hour's worth of music in this episode; perfect for that longer morning commute or for when you're trying to push your way out of the snow-covered driveway. Whatever your weather patterns though you'll find great music waiting for you in this episode.
- (00:10) Against The Grain by Savagery from Hard Merchandise E.P (BY-NC-ND)
- (03:55) Games of the Tyrants by AFTERWIND from Tyrants (BY-NC)
- (09:36) Phobophobia by Osmium Guillotine from Osmium Guillotine (BY-NC-ND)
- (15:57) Siren by Archonaut from Duchess (BY-NC-ND)
- (21:48) Epiphany by Æons Collide from None (BY-NC)
- (27:51) HELA - The End of Times by HELA / LODO (Upcoming rel.) from Split LP (BY-NC-ND)
- (38:41) Monograph by Sarin from Burial Dream (BY-ND)
- (47:01) Attack by HELLIÖN from What the Fork...? (BY-NC-ND)
- (51:55) This Sick Beat by Peculate from This Sick Beat™ (BY-NC-SA)
Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, head to the shows, or buy them a snow blower. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!
Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.
If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at craig@openmetalcast.com.