Ah the joys of computers. Can't really do a show without one but damned if this computer wasn't being a bit of a pain in the ass by filling up the root partition (and of course not telling me until it completely shit the bed in the process). But with things mostly back to normal we can talk about the amazing episode we have lined up for your ears. We have new tracks from Shooter, Vemm, and Bolesno Grinje, Lux, Evacuate The City, Afterwind, and Alturuk, as well as brand new material from Galactic Pegasus (which was sent to me by a fan of the show through Bandcamp. Thank you so much!). So while computers can be a pain to work with they rare one of the best ways to listen to this show. So fire up your favorite podcatcher and listen to the best Creative Commons Music the net has to offer.
- (00:09) Shooter - RECHARGED - 03 Issues Of Faith by Shooter from Recharged (BY-NC-SA)
- (04:23) Everybody by Vemm from Very excited Mad musicians (BY-NC-ND)
- (08:30) Tragovi na duši (Traces on the soul) by Bolesno Grinje from Chronicles from the tomb (BY-NC-SA)
- (12:31) Full Measure (ReDux) by Galactic Pegasus from Homecoming (BY-NC-SA)
- (15:57) Fear Leads to Hate by Lux from HATE (BY-NC-ND)
- (20:16) Recollection by Evacuate The City from The Catastrophe (BY)
- (24:05) Games of the Tyrants by AFTERWIND from Tyrants (BY-NC)
- (31:25) People of the Montagnes by Alturúk from Malheurmiel (BY-NC-ND)
Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, head to the shows, or send their msuic to your favorite podcast. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!
Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.
If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at craig@openmetalcast.com.