I don't tend to do "themed" episodes much, but decided after downloading a ton of stoner / doom / sludge metal to compile a little journey for you. Once the seatbelt sign goes off please feel free to move about the cabin. Enjoy your trip.
- (00:57) Plastikleuten (Part I & II) by Pyramidal from Dawn in Space (BY-NC-ND)
- (11:17) Tar spilled on sand by Chu from Air Water Viscousness (BY-NC-ND)
- (23:02) The Trick To Letting Go by Landskap from III (BY-NC-ND)
- (29:32) Sun Up by SONNÖV from Caballo Perdedor (BY-NC-ND)
- (40:04) Last words of Walter Kovacs by CABEZA DE CABALLO from Dölmenn (BY-NC-ND)
- (47:42) Diferentes Formas de Ostras by Picaporters from El Horror Oculto (BY-NC-SA)
- (53:10) Excuse Me, I Have to Go to Space Now by Mindwarp from Mindwarp EP (BY-NC-ND)
- (58:31) Steinsopp by Steinsopp from Steinsopp (BY)
- (1:06:07) The Giant by Palm Desert from Songs from the Dead Seas (BY-NC-ND)
Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, or head to the shows. Just do it. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!
If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at craig@openmetalcast.com.
(End clip: 160211_ISS_2.mp3 by Zbylut (CC BY-NC))
Open Metalcast #136 (MP3)
Open Metalcast #136 (OGG)