Open Metalcast Episode #110: Volt

Jan 20 2015

We're back from a brief hiatus to make you grateful you still have hearing, still have electricity, and still have enough bandwidth to download over 40 minutes of the best Creative Commons licensed metal music the world has to offer. We have such amazing bands as Nucleus, the latest from Gabezia, Day40, an upcoming release from TORT, Fitcage, SIYLIT, as well as the very latest and long anticipated albums from Oyabun and Snake Thursday. And just in case that wasn't enough we have crazy shit from Soom. It's an episode that will shake you up more than a bad ground on a wet stage. Shocking!

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, head to the shows, or buy the band a generator for when the power goes out. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #110 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #110 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #109: No Quarter

Dec 24 2014

If you're anything like us at the Open Metalcast Headquarters you've had it up to your eyeballs with the shitty covers that pass for Christmas music. Instead we present 10 of the finest Creative Commons Metal tracks from across the globe, including Argentina, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, and The United Kingdom. We have music by Los Buscadores del Movimiento Perpetuo, Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung, Wolfshead, Omainen, Exelerate, ASZL, Si Non Sedes Is, Trysth, and Zaria. Pop this episode into the stereo at your holiday gatherings, and share it with everyone who appreciates great metal music. It's the perfect antidote to the saccharine-sweet crap playing at the mall. And from everyone here at Open Metalcast we wish you the best of the holiday season and look forward to ringing your eardrums in the new year!

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, head to the shows, or give everyone a copy of their music. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #109 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #109 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #108: Remembering legends

Dec 08 2014

This week not only marked the 10th anniversary of Dimebag Darerel's death (which seems like it was only yesterday) but also the passing of one of the legends of video games: Ralph Baer. Were it not for the innovations of both Dimebag and Ralph Baer the world would never have known the amazing music of Pantera, and the video game industry as we know it might never have happened. What does this have to do with the show? Not a damn thing but as someone who grew up on games and metal it felt important enough to mention. What this episode does have though is some of the finest Creative Commons metal the net has to offer, such as Vicky Polard, Fitcage, The Departed, Bloodhunter, Dystrophya, Proyecto Hombre, Offense, and Lou Quinse. So share this episode, support the bands, and remember those who made the things you love.

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or buy all of the merch on their table. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #108 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #108 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #107: Post-Turkey Sleep Disorder

Dec 01 2014

It's the week after Thanksgiving here at OMC headquarters and we couldn't be happier to have yet-another-holiday in the rear-view mirror. Not that we didn't have fun with Thanksgiving, but the lead-up to getting things sorted meant this episode is dropping one week later than it should be. And if you're anything like us you're still recovering from day n+1 of leftovers. But never fear freedom-loving metalheads, because we've lined up some music to help ween you back from your turkey-induced comas and kick you back into high gear. And what a collection of music to give thanks for, including brand new music from Cloudkicker (apparently not content with only releasing the brilliant Live with Intronaut album last week). This episode also features music from 100 Veces Fauna, Mursa, Nightosaur, Show Me a Dinosaur, Underthals, remastered Oak Pantheon, and the triumphant return of Drakum.

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or prepare them an epic Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast Episode #107 (MP3)

Open Metalcast Episode #107 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #106: Wikipedia Fail

Nov 11 2014

It's no secret I find writing the introductions to these episodes the hardest part of creating the episode. The music has never been a problem as evidenced by the 8 tracks featured in the show. Nope, the worst part is trying to come up with something witty and wonderful to tempt you, the reader, into downloading this episode (which you very well should as there's 30 minutes of great Creative Commons Metal Music waiting for you at that handy little download link. And I've mentioned one of my tricks for finding ideas for the episode text comes from Wikipedia. Well, it appears the only interesting things happening around the number 106 are related not-particularly-interesting years in the Roman Empire. And while that might be interesting to some folks I'm not prepared to go into any great depth about how year 106 brought the Indian ambassador to Rome. No matter how you slice it that's not going to be terribly interesting at all. A better use of that attention would be checking out the tracks from Raide Mort, Trainwreck, Brain Remocal, Rather Be Alive, Silence Equals Death, Born of the Stars, Appollonia, and Dirty Greed in episode 106. And if enough folks check out this episode perhaps we could get Wikipedia to accept an update to 106 as "an episode of OPen Metalcast noted for its high quality CC-licensed music and for bitching about Wikipedia". One can hope, can't they?

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or subscribe them to tons of junk-mail catalogs. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #106 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #106 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Special Interview Episode: Catapult the Dead

Nov 04 2014

Recently we got the chance to speak with Ben Hiteman from the band Catapult the Dead. Catapult the dead released their album "All is Sorrow" which consists of a single 37 minute track intended to be listened in one sitting,. We spoke with Ben about the creation of the All is Sorrow album, the formation of the band, and about their upcoming projects and tours.

We'd like tot hank Ben and Catapult the Dead for taking the time to talk with us. Learn more about the band and how to score some great merch over at

Open Metalcast Special Interview Episode - Catapult the Dead (MP3)

Open Metalcast Special Interview Episode - Catapult the Dead (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #105: Analysis Paralysis

Oct 27 2014

Ever felt like you can't make a decision about something? That happened to me recently when trying to put together this show. It seems October is the month where a lot of bands release their music so I had over 20 tracks set up to play in this show. I couldn't decide which ones to put into the final show so I made some tough choices and bumped some tracks to future episodes. But talk about being spoiled for choice! There's new music from show-favorites Memest, along with new music from Delyria, Deathsurrection, Colorblind, Narada, Phthartic, Sunnata, and Híbrido. Hopefully you won't have as hard a choice to decide to listen to this episode as they're all great bands with stellar tracks waiting to pummel your ears.

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or invite them to your upcoming Halloween Party. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #105 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #105 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #104: Drawing a blank

Oct 01 2014

Ever have one of those weeks where you completely blank out on something that you need to do but can't for the life of you remember what that was? Unfortunately I completely blanked out on releasing the latest episode of Open Metalcast for most of September. Whoops. But in that time bands have released an amazing amount of music; enough for several shows. So I apologize for the delay but hopefully the music will more than make up for it. First up is the straight-up thrash of Nuclear, followed by the amazing talents of Latvian band Deodium. Fallen to Flux winds up the first set and then Nami brings the progressive death metal while Mystic Place winds alternative and progressive rock together into an amazing combination. Black Autumn's latest release "Losing the Sun" finds us navigating the doom-laden reaches of the brilliant M. Krall. Destierro drag us back into thrash territory, and Echovolt charges forth with industrial-strength metal that will, well, blow you away. Winding up this episode is Magma Dragon featuring members of The Dark Clan / Stromkern telling you about their Pathfinder character. It's a show you will agree was worth the wait

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or do a four hour jam session with them. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #104 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #104 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #103: Labor Pains Redux

Sep 01 2014

Over in the USA we're coming off of celebrating Labor Day which is a day where some folks get to they day off while others get to go in to work. It's a crazy little holiday but it gave me some extra time to peruse the net for the best in Creative Commons Licensed Metal Music. And we have a great episode lined up with music from Legions, Cleaver, Storm Cry, Ancient Emblem, Catapult The Dead, Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Lucifer In The Sky With Diamonds, Schematics for Gravity, and Cryogen Second. So whether you're returning to work or haven't left you'll have plenty to keep your ears busy.

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or buy them a pizza. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #103 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #103 (OGG)

Open Metalcast Episode #102: Party Tardy

Aug 19 2014

Things have been rather busy a the Open Metalcast Headquarters as of late. We had one of the storms of the century rip through our neighborhood last week. Fortunately we didn't have too much damage but we still had to do some impromptu moving of some waterlogged stuff. We're just getting things back to some semblance of normal around here, which means we're ready to bring you the Creative Commons Metal Music you crave. We have brand new Deep Space Destructors off of their cleverly named album III, as well as a long-overdue appearance by GUM. Throw in new tracks from Acherontia, LeHunt, X-ethos, Old Enemies, and Abriosis and you'll have plenty of metal to share with your friends. Plus a surprise re-appearance by Drakum (last seen in episode 39) with a re-interpretation of their classic track "Around the Oak" rounds things off. Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for after all.

Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or make up some awards to give them. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!

Also check out the other great podcasts at Metal Injection, and be sure to listen to all of the great shows (including Open Metalcast) streaming 24/7 at Metalinjection.FM.

If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at

Open Metalcast #102 (MP3)

Open Metalcast #102 (OGG)

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