Drift along on a metal music journey...
- 00:32 What a stupid clown! by Eglyn from Eglyn (BY-NC-ND)
- 03:45 Paamayim Nekudotayim by Under The Hat from Under The Hat (BY-NC-ND)
- 06:36 ytech by TURBOLANCE from YTECH (single bonus) (BY-ND)
- 12:35 Lucsor by Piedra from Antiperro (BY-NC-SA)
- 17:41 Cyber Punked by The Alien Mike ET from Psychobabble (BY-NC-SA)
- 25:40 Strumming Bass by Broken Cities from Flux (BY-NC-SA)
- 33:21 Entranced by Encircle from Watch The Sky Fall (BY-NC-ND)
Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, head to the shows, or tattoo them on your heart. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!
If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at craig@openmetalcast.com.